What Flew Over My House? An Exploration Into Aerial Phenomena

What was that object flying over my house?

Identifying unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that fly over houses and properties can be a fascinating topic for those interested in astronomy, aeronautics, or just plain curious. Here are a few questions and answers that one might ask when trying to figure out what just went zipping across the sky:

Was it a bird or a drone?

Distinguishing between birds and drones can sometimes be tricky, especially if the object is flying at a considerable distance. Birds generally have an irregular flight pattern, while drones often move in a direct line or perform precise maneuvers. Also, drones usually emit a buzzing noise.

Could it have been an airplane?

Yes, it could very well have been an airplane. Checking for blinking lights and plane-like silhouettes can confirm this. You might also check a live air traffic website to see if any planes were scheduled to pass by.

Did I see a helicopter?

Helicopters are generally easy to identify due to their distinct size, shape, and the sound of their rotors. They typically move slower and lower than airplanes.

Was it a meteor or shooting star?

Meteors or “shooting stars” are comparatively rare to spot but often leave a brief, bright trail behind them. They are more visible during meteor showers that happen at certain times of the year.

Could it be a satellite?

Yes, it’s possible. Look for small, steadily moving lights across the sky. There are numerous satellites in the Earth’s orbit, including those visible to the naked eye like the International Space Station.

Was the object a hot air balloon?

Hot air balloons are easy to identify due to their large, bulbous shape and slower movement, though they are rarely seen after dusk or before dawn.

Can I see other celestial bodies from home?

Yes, it’s entirely possible. Depending on where you live and the time of year, you might see planets, stars, or even galaxies.

Was it a kite I saw?

A kite can often be confused with other flying objects due to its erratic flight pattern. However, kites are generally seen during the daytime and are stationary or move against the wind.

Could it have been a bat?

Bats are most active during twilight and are easy to identify due to their flapping flight pattern and size.

Are UFOs a possibility?

While it’s exciting to entertain the idea, an unidentified flying object simply means an object in the sky that you cannot personally identify. It’s not automatically alien-related.

Steve Jones
Steve Jones

I have worked in the emergency services for 20 years. I now try and find ways to help people who work in the emergency services to save money, be that via discounts from well known UK high street brands.
